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June 10, 2016

Meet Our Franchisee: George Trad

June 10, 2016

George Trad attended college in Europe and earned a degree in accounting before moving to the United States. He worked in the textiles industry for most of my career, working with Majestic Athletic and UniFirst Corporate.

While his career has been successful, Trad always dreamed of running his own business. “In my heart, I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur,” George said. The Cleaning Authority has allowed him to prove that hard work and commitment to goals can make business ownership possible. “The Cleaning Authority caught my eye because it had a very local feel and the aspect of the service industry was appealing to me. As I learned more, I also really liked the structure that the business offered,” he said.

Since getting involved with the franchising industry he has been nothing but pleased and has had no regrets about the decision. George purchased a previously owned office of the Cleaning Authority, “I thought the change in leadership may be difficult, but it has been a good experience,” he said.

George has a daughter who is 20 years old and will be helping out with the business over the summer months.

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If you’re curious about whether the home cleaning franchise industry is the right one for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us today at (888) 718-4534 or visit the links below to learn more.

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